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gut health

I'm a nutritional therapy practitioner, Jesus follower & gluten-free-pizza-lover. I help women ditch the chains of diet culture and step into a mind-body-spirit kind of healthy. Because there IS a way you can love living in your body!

oh heyyy, I'm mollie

Are you ready for more energy, less bloating, clearer skin, and better moods? Watch this free training to learn more about how your gut microbiome is the answer to these stubborn issues and the exact steps to take to address the root cause and gain lasting relief.


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How I treated my leaky gut naturally

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a biblically-rooted approach to nutritional foundations and holistic wellness.

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a gut health protocol designed to reset, rebuild and restore your gut microbiome.

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The BEST Paleo and Vegan Cookies. Ever.


comments +

  1. Sarah says:

    Wow these are good. She’s right, best ever! Even my 13 year old son likes them!

  2. Abbey Sharp says:

    These look delicious! I must try them ASAP! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  3. Rachel says:

    These look delicious! I’ll have to make some!

  4. Esther says:

    I have never baked with cashew butter before, but you have me convinced!
    These look amazing!!!
    Feel free to add this to the Foodie Friday link up through my blog 🙂

  5. Jessica Sharp says:

    Oh my goodness Mollie I just tried these and theyre SO good. New favorite recipe!!

  6. Madison Henry says:

    I just made these on Saturday and they are even better than I thought they would be! Even my boyfriend loved them!

  7. Jake says:

    It’s hard to find good paleo treats but these are the best I’ve made. Great job with the recipe.

  8. Mary Knight says:

    Mollie, these are amazing! I wouldn’t have thought to freeze them like you suggested but they’re so good. Tastes like real cookie dough!

  9. Hillary Jackson says:

    best paleo cookies i’ve ever had!

  10. Stacey says:

    i made these as soon as I saw them on your insta story yesterday and oh my goodness they are every bit as good as you said. my whole family loved them. we almost ate the whole batch! whoops

  11. Sarah says:

    Holy moly Mollie these are by far the best cookies I’ve made. It’s hard to find good paleo treats, but these are incredible.

  12. Hillary Mark says:

    Mollie I’m so excited about this recipe! They do not taste as healthy as they are!

  13. Jackie says:

    My boyfriend and I recently switched to a paleo diet and have had a hard time finding good sweets but these were so good! Our new favorite cookie recipe, thanks!

  14. Amanda says:

    Hey Mollie! Do you have the nutritional info or macros for your recipe? What other subs could I use for the sweetener? I might try the glyercite stevia. Thank you!

  15. California Cupcake says:

    My new favorite cookie!! It’s really soft and delicious with a somewhat marzipan type texture. I’ll add picks when I make my next batch

  16. Lacey Ryan says:

    So great!!

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