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gut health

I'm a nutritional therapy practitioner, Jesus follower & gluten-free-pizza-lover. I help women ditch the chains of diet culture and step into a mind-body-spirit kind of healthy. Because there IS a way you can love living in your body!

oh heyyy, I'm mollie

Are you ready for more energy, less bloating, clearer skin, and better moods? Watch this free training to learn more about how your gut microbiome is the answer to these stubborn issues and the exact steps to take to address the root cause and gain lasting relief.


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How I treated my leaky gut naturally

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why (and how) I love my 4:30am alarm

The shot I start every morning with

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a biblically-rooted approach to nutritional foundations and holistic wellness.

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a gut health protocol designed to reset, rebuild and restore your gut microbiome.

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Mint Chocolate Chip Smoothie Recipe


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  1. JESSICA NIX says:

    Please send me this recipe in my email

  2. Christine says:

    This looks delicious! Which protein powder do you use & which flavor?

    • Mollie Mason says:

      Oh Christine it’s so delicious you’ll love it! I love the Banana Nut protein from Rootz. It’s linked on my Favorites page (with a discount code for you to use). It’s still delicious with nearly any chocolate protein but I swear by this one for this recipe.

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